The Doss Mentality

Garda Rizkyamien
2 min readSep 20, 2022

“Please Lord, Help me get one more, Just one more.”

A simple sentence from a 26 year old medic who fought the Okinawa war in 1945. Desmond Doss, an American soldier who saves 75 wounded people in battle, including the Japanese.

Well to be clear, I recommend you guys watching Hacksaw Ridge. Played by my own man, Andrew Garfield.

Outstanding performance!

Hacksaw Ridge — 2016

This movie inspired me in many ways. Perhaps a lot of people besides me, especially that little quote up there at the top.

To be exact, have you ever been into situations when your almost at your peak performance or that period of time when you feel like its enough but your inner self still pushes you a little bit further or perhaps those split seconds when you have the option to stop but you decided to do it anyway?

Well, I call that “The Doss Mentality”

… and yes I just made it up.

I believe everyone has their peak performance. Everyone has their time limit in terms of understanding when “enough” is.

Sometimes I feel like developing energy is like designing an art. Where you know that the paintings are all done, but you still have that feeling to make that painting better, and at the end you decided to take time on that, with the result of satisfaction

I think that’s the time when things matter.

The more you push yourself, the more you know your limit. The more you know your limit, the more you understand on what you can’t or what you can do,

and by the time you do that…

Everything will come out with pure satisfactory. That small joyful feeling inside you helps regenerate your energy while you rest. Those sleeps you have will be more meaningful than ever, and who would realize that an extra step can fulfil that satisfaction of doing things maximally.

but Wait! Hold on for a moment!

Those things, aren’t always possible, because your the only one who knows when to be impossible.

So therefore, when your in that position with those 2 options or whenever you feel like there are a couple of bars left, and you feel like you still can do.

Well then …

do it just one more.

