4 things I learned as a Content Creator.

Garda Rizkyamien
3 min readJan 28, 2024

I’ve been encountering a lot of creators these couple of weeks that I have talked with and enjoyed having that conversation. As a creator or someone who produced something, there were times when we didn’t feel satisfied with what we created, and honestly, IT’S OKAY! In fact, you must feel that way.

Photo by Keagan Henman on Unsplash

So, after 4 years of being who I am, working in the industry, meeting a mentor in life, and seeing it for myself. I feel like I wanted to share about these 4 things I learned on the journey.

  • Product Knowledge!

I think most of the people I met haven’t understood a lot about how important it is to understand product knowledge. Try to understand what are you making, learning, tasting or even asking about what you’re about to create.

I mean picture this, you are trying to take a good-looking picture of a chocolate cake, yet you haven’t tasted it and yeah sure, you can take good pictures of it, but is the message delivered? I mean can you show that you are about to try this delicious chocolate cake with a melted chocolate fondue in the middle and have a well-cooked hazelnut-kind of aftertaste? Well, you can! By trying it out first of course!

  • Take different perspectives!

I feel like art has this tiny bit of connection with communication. Whether you are writing or creating a design for someone or yourself. Somehow, it just has this space of indirect communication, and I feel like it’s gonna be easier for you to create something by taking different perspectives. I think that’s where the creativity comes in.

Let’s take an easy example of the chocolate cake that we have mentioned before. Would you know that the cake tastes different if you pair it with a cup of black coffee? Or Let’s say you’re making a design for someone about productivity who has only 3 seconds to get their attention in the scrolling window and you’re trying to figure out which copies can attract the most. Honestly, it’s gonna be difficult if you don’t put your shoes on them, right?

  • Don’t overthink!

At first, I always overthink everything until now, especially with the things that I created. Starting with those thoughts of “Does it look good? How would people react to this? Is my design okay? Are these photos enough? Will people like it? And so much more”.

Honestly, with points no. 1 and no. 2 that I just wrote, it somehow really creates more of that “overthinking phase”, but hey if you’re just starting up, there is no such thing as a good first creation. You should’ve seen how bad I was in writing when I was still in 9th grade, and also the coffee pictures that I took when I first got my digital camera, so nothing’s perfect.

Sooner or later, I feel like there is no such thing as a good creation, I feel like the best part about creating something is the moment when people can relate to it and when you enjoy the whole process of creating it.

Well, this leads to the last point of today’s writing.

  • Just do it!

Ahh, Now I know where Nike got that catchy slogan from! See, another work of taking different perspectives. Damn, you guys are good!

Whether you’re a designer or even a photographer or any line of the business that involves creating something, just do it, it’s okay if people don’t like it. Actually, it’s totally okay if you don’t like it or you’re not getting the expectations that you hoped for. There’s always another chance and opportunity to do well in the future.

So yeah. Keep doing what you do!

