2023 — Roller Coaster.

Garda Rizkyamien
4 min readJan 23, 2024

Wow, I guess I’m pretty late writing on how my 2023 was but you know, nothing is late. So 2023 was overall a fun year. I may say that it gives growth for me as a person, and also an understanding of my capabilities in challenging and overcoming new obstacles. It’s honestly the fastest year so far. I still remember the starting days when 2023 just started and now roughly one year later, I’m back in January 2024 writing this thing.

So anyway, here are the things that I learned and experienced last year:

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Ego — I started 2023 with a lot of ego in mind, I was too focused on what I wanted without truly understanding what I needed, I focused too much on numbers yet I forgot the people who would be there without the numbers. At that time, I learned to be more understanding to everyone around me, I remembered to take time on making crucial decisions, and one of the lessons is to put your shoes in others before taking it.

Start with Honesty — Yeah, honesty became my best friend last year. Everything was smooth when you started with honesty. Whether it’s to your friends, families, or even to yourself. Even though I know it hurts, but in the end it’s easier.

Expect less — If only I expected less, perhaps it would be easier for me to accept the reality and the truth, but honestly expecting less is hard at that kind of moment. So, at the end of the day, It was a great lesson for me to do my best yet still accept the result with an open heart.

You don’t know what’s best for you — The moment where I learned “the purest heart is not the best” is the moment where I learned more about myself in terms of possibilities and capabilities on where I stand as a human and also a man. So at the end of the day, just do the job greatly and seek more satisfaction for yourself in the day after.

International Work Shock — Honestly for Asians, especially Southeast. That feeling of reluctance or in our language “Ga enakan” is something that we need to get rid of, especially in the working world. I learned many things in terms of working abroad.

As a Southeast Asian, when you try to put yourself out there, you gotta step up, you gotta show what you’re made of. Don’t show that soft capabilities of yours but show how gentle you are saying upfront. Be the one who can show that you are also capable of navigating the ship, even though it’s a dead end. Take the responsibility and just man up!

Especially when it comes to working with different nationalities in one place. Oh, and different nationality means also a different way to communicate and approach.

Distance is hard — One more thing that I realized about working abroad is, Distance. Especially when you’re in different countries. That feeling of far somehow just drains you out. I may say that I’m quite a wanderer back then, but when you are far and it’s for work. The mentality hits differently, but hey those are one of the odds no? So be grateful.

It’s okay to be alone — I still remember those after-office hours when you just come back from work and you have a couple of hours to enjoy, I usually go to different kinds of coffee shops alone. Honestly, it’s amazing, being on your own for quite some time, just thinking and enjoying!

Family First — I had the best time at the end of the year and I’m grateful for it. God allowed bringing all of my closest family to the country, and I am very very happy that I can make time for them. Look, if you have the slightest chance to have time with them. Take it! Because at the end of the day, whether you fail or succeed in life or any situation. They are always there accepting who you are.

God’s Truly Great — Honestly, I started this year with God’s miracle, his ways and his plans are the best. Even though you feel it’s tough. Even though you don’t like it. Even though it causes you pain every day. There is always something amazing behind the sleeves. Whether it’s lessons, moments, memories, or even an event. All you gotta do is just wait. Do what you do and just let God do the rest. You’ll get there.

To my friends who I met or came across last year. I’m truly honored to be a part of your history. Thank you for showing me many things, Thank you for accepting me, and also Thank you for always keeping an eye on me. Keep being you till the end. I can’t wait to make more failures together this year, and I can’t wait to see how many things we will succeed in making.

To 2023, I’ll honestly remember you, thank you for putting me down almost every month. I guess it’s time for me to push back.

2024. Just be ready.

