2021 — blessings

Garda Rizkyamien
2 min readJan 9, 2022

Shit, it's almost 10 days since 2021, and yet again.
I’m Late.

Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash


You know at the end of the year. It feels like just another new year kinda vibes, but somehow…

2021 was different.

Well, It all started when I got into this new workplace where I’ve been spending most of my time throughout my final student years. It was amazing, met a lot of cool people, found out what I’ve been missing this past few years, and learned a lot about life. I never knew that I would have this many friends that actually care about me when life goes south, and I never knew it'll be this memorable.

Normally, people would be dissing out about how boring the year was, but I’m more thankful for what God has been giving me, having the feeling of being enough is actually rare, but I believe the main thing in 2021 is…

Learning what ‘enough’ is.

Somehow having that ‘enough’ feeling is impossible to certain people, but the thing is understanding and working towards ‘enough’ is a good start, and that's what I’ve learned in 2021.

The other thing that opened my eyes is ‘honesty’. I never thought that a simple word can make magical things happen. After a couple of problematical dramas with my beloved ones. I realize being honest doesn't just save you from your problem, but it also saves you as a decent human being.

I also lost a little part of love that year…

but I’m happy I gained so much after losing it.

So, thank you so much. For Everyone that I met and that I have lost. The colors you guys gave me are almost enough for me to look after.

May this year become more than just great and may this year aids the broken pieces that are made.

Hello, 2022.

